Path of Self-Empowerment
Intensive seminar „In the Flow of Self-Empowerment –
living self-empowered“
“In the Flow of Self-Empowerment” is for you if you are ready to step fully into your creation flow and let what makes you being you, become visible in your everyday life. It consists of three days of in-person retreat in a small group and two online follow-up meetings. Afterwards you are invited to join the Selfempower Community.
Become aware of what tasks you have in your life, what only you can fulfill. Step by step, you will become familiar with the texture from which you are created and you will come in close touch with your Self. What may seem impossible for you to overcome, will become part of your unstoppable flow of creation. You will feel what it means to be irresistibly you.
Previous attendance of the intensive seminar “Path of Self-Empowerment” is of advantage, but not required. If you have questions, let us talk beforehand. “In the Flow of Self-Empowerment – living self-empowered” is for all who want to go deeper and arrive completely at themselves.

The parts of the three-day retreat:

Part 1
One with your origin
To be one with your own origin means to stop searching. You don’t have to achieve anything specific in your life, you don’t have to get anywhere, because you are already there. It is home within us that we seek in our humanity. Today you have the opportunity to be welcomed with infinite love.

Part 2
Being truth
Searching for truth, we often forget one thing: It is always about ourselves. Who am I, where do I come from and what is my task for my life. The more you leave behind all that is not your truth, the more limitless joy will move freely through your life.
The answer is you

Part 3
Cosmic Peace
Having peace within you, you can express your soul’s potentials freely and create the life that suits you and makes you happy. You are not dependent on external circumstances. This is an illusion that you can say goodbye to in this part. You will take a look behind the curtain. Once you have tasted cosmic peace, your path will become unswerving.
Taking a look behind the curtain

Part 4
In the flow of creation
Being in your own flow of creation means effortlessly achieving the goals you set for yourself before you came into your life – your very own goals. The more you go with this energy flow, the more you will see the bigger picture of yourself and your life.
Discovering the secret of your life

Part 5
What makes you great
The only thing that makes you great is your devotion. When you get out of your own way, you will find out how irresistible you are. You will recognize the part you have in the cosmic love story. You will love yourself in your role in no time and accept and fill it with complete devotion.
Devotion is powerful

Part 6
Fulfil what only you can fulfil. In this block you will get all the support you need to stay in balance in your everyday life in the future. Within you, your human consciousness and your soul consciousness join together. Be prepared for this cosmic moment.
Live your moment
The follow-up meetings:
Both follow-up meetings will take place online. Plan a morning or an afternoon on a weekend for each. There will always be an exchange first. You will receive individual support as well as support from the group. Our path is a journey that we ultimately take alone within us. With the right companions, however, our path becomes an unforgettably beautiful and remarkable journey.
Selfempower Community:
In the closed Facebook group you can ask questions at any time, exchange ideas with others and share your experience. The community will strengthen you in your task and in your flow. You will receive regular tips from me on how to deal with the current energies in a good way and how to use them best for yourself.
The Selfempower Community is open to everyone who has attended the seminar “In the Flow of Self-Empowerment“.